Monday, October 13, 2008

The Authentic Dissertation

Just received my copy of the new book by Four Arrows, (aka Don Trent Jacobs). The book is about alternative ways of representing knowledge. Don asked me to contribute to a chapter on electronic dissertations. I was very pleased to do so and deeply grateful to be featured in this publication.

Jacobs, D. (2008). The Authentic Dissertation: Alternative Ways of Knowing, Research and Representation. New York: Taylor and Francis .

Four Arrows is the faculty reader on my dissertation committee and is very supportive of my plan to present my doctoral dissertation as a wiki.

I can't say how much this generous sharing of publication credit has impressed me. After seeing many ideas taken without attribution by faculty supervising graduate students this strikes me as a model of a mentoring relationships.

Saturday, October 4, 2008

Tell the Raven

Tell the Raven

Doug Noon's students. Instead of education as a competitive enterprize ala the industrial education model, trying to incorporate traditional values. Participate in the world of stories.

Quote from NYT article
"Education policy in recent years has emphasized individualistic aspects of learning. A focus on accountability and achievement testing, giving priority to “results,” has promoted a view of learning as a competitive enterprise, responsive to incentives and sanctions. But this businesslike vision of schools ignores something of great value that schools also have to offer — membership in a community. Schools are people, too."

Thursday, October 2, 2008


John Polkinghorne - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Investigate connection between theoretical understandings of Polkinghorne and De Chardin, and Zukav.

Interesting to note that many of the people examining sub-atomic particle theory were religious or used spiritual references. "Most of nature is more cloud-like than clock-like. "(Good quote for KYD.)
Great YouTube video of Polkinghorne.
Talking about investigations of the universe. Good quote "from an engineering perspective the universe is ludicrously over designed if its only purpose was to support the carbon based life form that is us".
Discovered that another of my favorite theorists is Donald Polkinghorne. Doesn't appear to be a relationship.